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His father was an active political activist being inspired by the ideology of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

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Zunaid Ahmed Palak was born on Singra under Natore dristrict. Mr Alam is Married and blessed with three daughters. He has been rewarded with National Award named ‘Innovation Award’ for outstanding contribution in digitization activities of Sylhet Division in 2012 as Divisional Commissioner of Sylhet.

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He visited several countries including Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, the UK, Sweden, Finland, Nepal, India, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, Spain, Turkey, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the USA, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Japan, New Zealand and Australia. He had also undergone a number of professional training at home and abroad. He participated a course on ‘Creating Collaborative Solution: Innovation in Governance’ in Harvard University of USA. At the national level he is the Co-chair of GoB-DP LCG from the Cabinet Division. He actively worked on the signing of trade agreement between Bangladesh and India on the export of apparel from Bangladesh in 2007. He also joined international conference on G2P, Open Government Data (OGD), Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) and Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) abroad. He led Bangladesh delegation to SAFTA, BIMSTEC and APTA negotiation meeting and joined ministerial meetings of those regional trade agreements. Alam actively participated in different meetings workshops seminars regional, bi-lateral and multilateral meetings on trade negotiations in the country and abroad. He also served at Secretariat in different Ministries/Divisions at different position. He served in all the core position in the field administration including Deputy Commissioner (Khulna) and Divisional Commissioner (Sylhet). in Botany from the University of Chittagong after that he had got another Masters from the University of BRAC on Governance and Development. He belongs to Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS Administration) 84 batch. Prior to that he was Director General of the Department of Immigration and Passport. He is the immediate past the Secretary, Coordination & Reforms of the Cabinet Division (From December 2015 to January 2019). Mr N M Zeaul Alam, at present, the Senior Secretary of Information & Communication Technology Division.

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